Welcome to the BEGIN website
(for Basic Educational Guidance in Nottinghamshire). 


If you have any problems, please phone the team.

BEGIN offers free, impartial advice for adults aged 16+ years about:

Please contact us for ESOL, Maths or English enquiries:







Fill in an Enquiry Form on the Learners page of this site:

Please note: 

Your enquiry is very important,

but we are getting a lot of enquiries.

We will contact you as soon as possible,

but this can take several months.

Getting on an ESOL Course  

Getting on a Functional Skills English & Maths Course 

What's new?

BEGIN  home/office  work
Staff work from home and at the office in Nottingham College Adams Building.

The office staffed from Mondays to Thursdays 

16-18 years FULL Time ESOL courses at Nottingham College - see Powerpoint below for more information

Good news for Hong Kong BNO status holders - see Hong Kong BNO ESOL poster below. East Midlands Councils have funding for new ESOL courses and are planning courses soon!  Contact BEGIN now if you want ESOL.  Please: phone or email any of the BEGIN advisers above, or fill in an ESOL enquiry form on the Learners page.  Also - visit https://hkbno.emcouncils.gov.uk/ - for free English Language resources, information about housing, immigration, employment and training, partner organisations offering social events and/or training, community support and much more!  Their latest news is also regularly posted on Facebook - log on here.

All learners - if you have internet access – try English online!  Our ‘LATEST Useful Website’ sheet is in the Other Help section on this website – here & also attached below.

UK SETTLEMENT for EU Citizens or their non-EU family members - see information below & contact Diana Bagci: 07834 264950 / eussnottslc@gmail.com 

Other help for migrant people - please keep checking the Other Help & Useful Websites sections on this website.  

For example - https://migrantinfohub.org.uk/ offers advice about COVID-19 in 16 languages.